Saturday, April 11, 2009

Catching Up-Peter

Well, Jenn, to quote Roseanne Rosannadanna, it's always something. Certainly seeing the Sox start the season 1-3, the last number being consecutive, isn't what any of us expected, particularly when two of the L's are from 2/3 of the Sox 'Big Three' pitchers.However, at least the Sox ended the aggravation for the present today, coming back from a two zip hole to take the W. It got a bit uncomfortable when Laserman immediately gave up a shot on coming on that tightened the scroe, but, in the end he held on and we're almost back to .500. The highlights so far in this young season are Youk's hot start, coupled with Jake's reprise of last season's Speedracer. I think today was his third swipe of the year.

JB's taking the apple tomorrow, so maybe we can get further back on track. Let's hope.

Regarding the tragic loss of the young Angels hurler, if the driver of the other car is proven in court to have been DUI, he should be convicted of the three murder counts against him and sent away for life. Anyone driving drunk is just as guilty as someone using a gun. This 22 year old idiot has senselessly ruined four lives--the three victims and his own. What a waste! It kind of puts everything in stark perspective--how unimportant in the larger scheme of things a game is.

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