Thursday, April 29, 2010

Pitching Leads to Sweep

Dad --

I can't believe it's true. Even as I'm writing this, and I've watched all three games from the back and forth of Monday to the pitching duel Tuesday to the 2-hit spectacle last night, it's amazing, exciting, thrilling... there just aren't enough words to describe how happy I am.

The best part about the sweep? Watching Buccholz and Lester finally become who we always knew (hoped) they were. It's too bad it took 21 games for them to show up. But hey, better late than never. And I guess it's not really late since we're still only in the month of April, but you get my drift.

The most impressive outing for me though, had to be Buccholz. After bad mouthing him in my previous post, it was great to see him turn back the clock and inhabit the rookie who pitched a no hitter some years ago. And before you correct me, yes, I know he didn't pitch a no-no. As a matter of fact he gave up seven hits. But when those hits are coupled with timely outs allowing said pitcher to go eight innings, I'd say I'm allowed to change my mind. It is a woman's prerogative after all. But
I'm not gonna get too excited, not yet. See before I start dancing in the streets, I'm gonna need to see at least another two or three outings of this caliber from the young right hander.

But if Buccholz and Lester keep pitching the way they did in this series, you just may find me with my dancing shoes on.


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