Monday, July 19, 2010

Taking a Break

Dad --

As you've noticed, I've been absent from the blog recently. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to write this note but I was hoping I'd start contributing again on a regular basis. But unfortunately I've finally realized that between Aidan, the web series, my other blog and my other scripts, I just don't have the time I need to devote to Duffy's Cliff.

This doesn't mean I've given up on baseball or the Red Sox for that matter. (Although with where we are in the standings and the fact that I barely recognize the team anymore due to the unbelievable amount of injuries, one might.) I'm still a die hard fan and after 31 years, wouldn't dream of giving up on my team even if we were all the way in last place.

The fact is, I'm just not really into baseball right now. I still Tivo every game, but when I tune in, I find myself not caring what happens or who wins. Dad, you know how passionate I was about the Sox and that's where I need to be again to do you and this blog justice.

What does all this mean? In short, I need a break. From the games and the blog. I'll still tune in occasionally and blog as well. I mean, we're going to see the Sox play the Angels next week with Aidan. So, of course I'm going to blog about that. I'm actually pretty excited about it. But in general, I'm sorry to say you're going to have to carry the blog without me for awhile. Don't worry, I'll be back, I'm just not sure when.

To all our followers, I'm sorry for my absence. It hasn't been fair to you and for that I feel horrible. When I have the time and excitement for the game I'll be back with a vengence. Until then, please keep the bench warm for me.



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