Saturday, July 24, 2010

Perfection Ends Too Soon: Peter

Jenn, it's best you don't watch this one on your Tivo--or anywhere else. It's almost emblematic of the issues (other than injuries) that the Sox have had this year. Lester going against the worst offensive team in MLB in multiple categories; only Ichiro with any real history of success against Lester--should be a win, right? Well, for 5 1/3 it looked like a lock. Although the Sox only had a single run to that point (complements of Papi's 19th shot of the season), Lester was not only perfect, he was overwhelming.
Then, it all hit the fan.An error broke the perfecto and one batter later the Hose were trailing by 2-1 on a homer that was Lester's first hit allowed. They ultimately lost, 5-1, but, as has happened too many times this year, had ample opportunities to get even. They left seven men on base, ending up with just five hits on the night. Need a timely hit? Not tonight. Results: another needless loss, made even harder to take because the Stripes also had already lost, so the Sox had a chance to pick up a game in the standings. Try again tomorrow.

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