Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Another Boston Tri-Fecta--Peter

Well, Jenn, i could get comfortable with this as a regular thing. On Sunday, the Sox win completed the Boston sports team sweep for the day, following the wins by the Bruins and Celtics. How often could that threesome happen? Well, how about again today? The Sox, playing near you, in Anaheim against the Halos, started behind, and then took turns swapping the lead with the Angels for most of the balance of the game until they finally got their last run in the top of the 9th to take the lead, 4-2. Laser came on and blew away the Halos; maybe not as dramatically as Sunday's close against the Rays, but I'll take it. Pap looked good tonight.

I'm still concerned about Papi's power outage. He's got to get this homerless string behind him and soon, not to mention up his overall stats. I mean the guy's really a liability in his present situation. I mean when was the last time you saw him training the team ribbie leader (Bay) by more than two to one?

Well, here's to the Herald's sports lead tomorrow: Sox, B's, C's win. The subhead will deal with the miracle comeback by the Celts. By the way, does Fenner's only follow the Sox & Pats, or are they also actively supporting the Bruins and Celtics?

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