Sunday, September 7, 2008

Well, this was another example of how the recent acquisitions by the Sox have helped right the ship and get us closer to the post-season. Paul Byrd, late of Cleveland, went six and 2/3 strong innings today, allowing no runs and just three hits. The successor to Manny in left, Jason Bay, picked up another homer. All of this along with the usual output from Papi(homer), Pedroia, another hit, a trip by Cora and doubles by Yooouk and Crisp.

Starting out two zip after two, the Sox steadily built their lead, bit by bit, until it was the end of their half of the 7th and they led seven zip. The bullpen, overall, did a decent job, but when it started to look like the Rangers were mounting something of a rally, or might do so, Laserman--you know him as Papelbon-- came in and, as usual, slammed the door.
Best part of the day--the Rays lost and we're now 1 1/2 behind and six of our next nine are against them, half in the Fens. Also, it gets better, both the Twinkies and Mr. Hankie's Yankees lost, each dropping another game to the rear. Yessss!

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