Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It Was The Stripes!--Peter

Well, this one hurt! After dropping behind the Rays, 3-1, in the first half of the game, the Sox came back in the bottom of the 8th to take the lead, 4-3. Helped by Jason Bay's homer and some timely hitting by Yoouk, they had climbed the mountain and with Papelbon coming on in the 9th, following Oki's good job in the 8th, it looke like as sure a thing as you're likely to find in the world today.

Not to be! Papelbon gave up three hits, including a game-tying homer, and eventually, the winning run before finally getting out of the inning, the team now trailing 5-4. Our last at bats did nothing to change the result. With the loss, the Rays are now back up by 1 1/2, and the Jays are now seven behind in the wild card and the Twinkies, six. The Stripes also picked up a game on our heroes, now trailing the Hose by 8 1/2.

Speaking of the Stripes, as I noted in the headline, that's what did it. No, it wasn't Mr. Hankie's Yankees. These stripes came before the game. Warren Buffet, yes, that Warren Buffet, was on hand to throw out the first pitch. Dressed in a uniform that said Red Sox across the chest and wearing the red-B-emblazoned cap, he took the mound and tossed the pitch. The trouble is his 'Red Sox' uniform also had PIN STRIPES!! Who the hell missed that when he was given it in the Sox locker room? The stripes clearly contaminated the whole thing and gave out enough bad vibes to cause the loss. I know, it sounds crazy, but do you have a better explanation?

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