Monday, July 29, 2013

Boomer's Gone Deep

Well, today at age 69 one of the more colorful Sox players of the 60's and 70's died. George "Boomer" Scott, former first baseman for the Sox, passed away. He played 14 years in the Majors, nine of them with the Sox, including his rookie year in which he hit 27 homers and drove in 90 ribbies. A three time All-Star, he also was unusually good in the field for a 200+ pounder. For those abilities, he won eight Gold Gloves. During his Sox days, when talking about his powerful drives, he would refer to hitting 'taters', a term that later became somewhat common in MLB in general at the time. Always an entertaining guy as well as a member of the team's Hall of Fame, he'll be missed. RIP Boomer--may you have nothing but taters up there.

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