Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Bucky,Two Centuries Keep Sox Alive At Five: Peter

If nothing else, you gotta' admit the race remains exciting! Against the Pale Hose in Chicago, our heroes attempted to return the favor so to speak that the Chisox dumped on them a couple of weeks ago. The first game of the series was a good way to do so. Bucky pitched very well, allowing only a single run and getting a game WHIP of 0.625! Also lowered his ERA to 2.33, while getting his 17th win of the year. Offensively, the Sox struck quickly. The feature of the evening was both Big Papi and Beltre getting their 100th RBI of the year. Now if Beltre can get his 30th HR it will be a nice combination. Additionally, he got a pair of doubles, maintaining his position as number one in the league in two baggers with 48. Scoot,Papi also got doubles for the evening.
So this leaves the Bosox in postseason contention, although by the slimmest of threads. They are now five behind the Hankiemen with five to play. Keep hoping!

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