Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Yuck! - Jenn

Last night should have been the night that the Sox started their final sweep toward the World Series. It should have been proof that the Rays really are this year's Rockies. It should have been the night that Lester extended his postseason scoreless streak to 30 or so innings.

Unfortunately "should have" doesn't help in the reality. It's a great pipe dream that Sox fans and players alike can talk about and wish upon. Then there's the reality - a thing you can't imagine, dream up, or create. It just is. And last night reality punched Red Sox Nation square in the jaw.

After a spectacular first inning from the "new ace" - one that got three outs on just five pitches, things crumbled for the lefty. Actually more like imploded. The second inning was the beginning of the downward spiral into hell. After a couple hits and a walk that should have been a strike out, the first run scored. But one run does not a game win - at least not in the second inning.

However the third was a very different story. Again 2 more Rays got on base and unlike the previous inning where Lester was able to squeak out with a minimal amount of damage, he got rocked. With 2 men on base BJ Upton stepped to the plate and crushed that ball. It didn't just go into the monster seats, but over them and landed on Landsdowne Street to give the Rays a 4-0 lead.

That was the end of the game. Maybe not literally, but mentally for Lester and every other Red Sock on that field. With Garza keeping his emotions in check, there was no way the Sox were coming back from that deficit.

It looked like there was a chance in the seventh when we had men at first and third with no one out. But after a fly out that scored the Sox only run, there was nothing left. And it wasn't any surprise. Out of the seven hits the Sox managed to scrape together, only two of them were for extra bases. But by the time the Sox got that run, I was already watching the game in fast forward, not wanting to live through the agony of any more innings or runs.

But as hard as it is to believe, the Sox and Red Sox Nation have been here before. As a matter of fact, we were down 2-1 in the ALCS in '03, '04 and '07. And in all three instances, the ALCS took seven games to complete. Now we won't discuss '03 and the Grady Little/Pedro Martinez fiasco, but in '04 we were down 3-1 and came back to kill the Yankees and sweep the Cards in the championship. Then last year, again we came back to beat the Yankees and swept the Rockies for the trophy.

So, yes, it's heartbreaking to watch a game like last night unfold. But just remember these are the Red Sox and we've been here before, we've been David facing Goliath. And just like the biblical story of the past, we've thrown that rock and knocked out the competition. This series will be no different.

Tonight Wakefield's on the mound. While he hasn't pitched yet in the off season, he's well rested and has been throwing great in his practice sessions. JD Drew's leading off the batting order and Coco Crisp is playing center. With a lineup like that we can't lose... Right?

1 comment:

Jenn and Peter said...

In '04, the Sox WERE down 3-1, but only after they'd been down THREE ZIP! That's the year they became the only team in ML history to come back from a 3-0 deficit to win a series. In fact, with the exception of one time in the NHL, it'd never been done anywherfe in pro sports.