Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Sox in Japan - Peter

First, WELCOME TO OUR BLOG!! We're two rabid Sox fans located in California who both go to as many Sox games out here as possible, and, when we're really lucky, have been known to show up in Fenway on a trip home (Peter says Boston will always be home, no matter where he lives).
Anyway, enjoy, comment & GO SOX!
Now-Japan. With the time difference, the games began at 3 a.m. California time, so I didn't actually see them live. However, for Opening Day,when I got up Tuesday morning at 5:30 to head for the gym, I was surprised to find out when I turned on the car radio that the game was still on, live via A's radio station. Turned it on just after Moss hit his game tying shot in the 9th. As I drove the six miles to the gym, I arrived in time for the Sox to get up in the 10th and get Lugo and Papi on. Two outs later, they're still there and Manny's got two strikes, and I'm thinking, "Christ! Don't blow this opportunity!" Manny came through and it's 6-4. But, these are the Red Sox we're talking about. Nothing is ever easy. Bottom 10& all of a sudden people are doing things with Papelbon's stuff.But in the end, it was happy.Went into the gym with the Sox ahead and one of my buddies, a long time A's fan laughs and says, "Your Sox are losing 4-3."I quickly corrected him with the latest info and watched his face go blank. A quick, "Bullshit" was countered by pointing him at the TV there and I'm smiling again.I guess the game had its rough moments, but the end was fine. Rather win ugly than not at all.

Game 2: Not much to be said here. It was over before I rolled out of bed.For Valentine's Day, my wife got me a wireless device that sits on the desk in my home office and picks up the scores inning by inning. As soon as I got up I grabbed it and saw the bad news. Not much to say, but Manny's at least looking like last year was just a comparatively bad memory--home run for the Sox' only run in the game. Hope Papi picks up soon. Hanging 0 for 7 doesn't look good, but I'm not really worried. I see Crisp played center instead of Jacoby, which I find interesting as the rumors have him being traded. Out here everyone's guessing it'll be to the A's. Who knows--might happen when they arrive here in California for two games at Oakland Colosseum. Let you know how those games go--can't wait to show up in my new 2007 World Champ tee shirt. One thing's for sure--since 2004, I NEVER hear any more of the Bullshit from Oakland fans about 1918 and the Babe.

1 comment:

cgewertz said...

Love how fervently you love your Sox. I wish I could contribute. But sadly I love no team. No team on Earth. I lack the sports fan gene. But I do share some other genes in common with the two of you. So I had to pitch in (no pun intended) and say hi.

-- [your cousin]Catherine