Monday, March 31, 2008

A Trip Back in Time - Jenn

Even though the game on Saturday was just a pre-season game, I had to go. The Red Sox were playing the Dodgers at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, the Dodgers original stadium from 1958-1961, as part of the Dodgers 50th season in Los Angeles.

This was an unordinary game set in a very unordinary stadium. 115,300 fans filled the Coliseum, making it the largest crowd to ever attend a baseball game. But the Coliseum was never meant for baseball. It was originally used for track and football. While the track is gone, having been replaced with more stadium seating, the field's still used regularly by the USC football team.

So, to make sure a line drive into left wasn't an automatic home run, a 60-foot high screen was put up along the left field wall. And if you think the left field at Fenway is short, you weren't at the Coliseum on Saturday night. From home plate to the foul pole was only 201 feet, which is probably why the Short Stops from both teams could be seen catching just as many fly outs as grounders. And the left fielders were more like extra third basemen. Here are some pictures I took of the stadium so you can get a better idea.

It was a fun evening. Wakefield pitched 5+ innings. He had an error when he overthrew a pickoff attempt, but otherwise, had a pretty solid outing for a preseason game. And Youkilis and Kevin Cash both hit home runs (Youk's was over that 60-foot high fence) to take the Sox to a 7-4 win.

Kevin Cash did a great job, filling the hole left by Doug Mirabelli. Not a single passed ball. And while he only got one hit over his four times to the plate, that hit to left-center put the Sox on the board.

There were those special moments that are always associated with games like these, but the best moment for me, had nothing to do with the Dodgers. It was classic Sox. They played music between innings like they do at all ballparks, but in the middle of the 6th, the speakers belted out a tune, I'm not used to hearing anywhere other than Fenway. It was Sweet Caroline. The Fenway faithful recognize this song as one of several Red Sox anthems, but it was clear, not many Dodger fans understood its significance. While there were a smattering of boos, most Dodger fans could be seen rocking out to the tune, right alongside all the Sox fans.

All in all a fun evening. I even tried keeping a scoresheet for the first time in 34 years. Hey, Dad, what do you think?

The game at the Coliseum was pretty amazing. Unfortunately it didn't count. Starting tomorrow, the Red Sox finish the series they started in Tokyo against the Oakland A's. And I. Can't. Wait.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Season Opener in the Land of the Rising Sun - Jenn

The time difference may have had the game start at 3 am, but with the glorious invention of Tivo, I was able to watch the game from start to finish when I got up at 7. And what a game it was. Talk about a roller coaster.

Let's start with Dice-K. Back in his home country, I expected quite a show. And while it was definitely a nail biter, it wasn't the kind I wanted. His first couple innings were lousy. The A's scored twice and I was sitting on the couch thinking that championship was nice while it lasted. But he settled down in the 3rd and had three up three down in the 4th and 5th. Whew. And thanks to a couple doubles from Manny and Moss we're winning 3-2. Dice-K can leave the game as the winning pitcher.

But then they put in Snyder. Now here's a guy who can go either way. Sometimes he's lights out and sometimes he's frightening - and not in a good way. This outing, unfortunately was one of the latter. He gave up the go ahead run. I couldn't believe it. As soon as that happened they pulled him and put in Lopez. Thank God. He retired the side but now the Sox are losing with three innings left to play.

Things got interesting again in the 8th, but Ellsbury made another phenomenal catch dashing any hopes the A's had. This kid's amazing. He's definitely one of my new favorite players and has been since he came in at the end of last season. But with that catch came a scary crash into the center field wall which I hope is not the reason behind his absence in Game 2. Guess we'll have to wait and see when they come back to California. Dad, you can tell me how he is when you see him in Oakland.

And because the Sox never go quietly, in the 9th Moss comes up to bat. Now Brandon Moss was not supposed to play. JD Drew was scheduled to start. But right before game time his back was bothering him, so the Sox thought it might be better if he sat this game out. I believe things happen for a reason. And clearly the reason JD was benched was so that Moss could come to bat in the 9th and hit a home run off Street and tie the game 4-4. (Too bad he's been sent back to Pawtucket to improve his defense at first base. Hmmm... wonder what that means for Youkilis.)

Who would've thought the season opener would go into extra innings. Here we are in the 10th. Lugo gets on. They intentionally walk Papi and then Manny hits another double. 6-4 yippee!

And now it's Papelbon. I love this guy. Even when things get tight he's still awesome. And of course things got tight. He gave up a run making it 6-5. And I'm right there with you, Dad, thinking, you can't blow this. Please... And he didn't. He buckled down, turned on that ice cold stare of his and the Sox won. Ready for game two.

And speaking of Game 2... I don't want to. Manny may have hit a home run, but Papi and Varitek are 0 for 7 and 0 for 8 respectively which isn't good. I'm not too worried about Papi, but Varitek isn't the hitter he used to be. He wasn't great last year, and after these two games I'm concerned about the 2008 season. Then there's Lester, our starting pitcher, who was pulled after giving up 4 runs in 4 innings... All in all, it just wasn't a good game.

Can't wait for Saturday though, when the Sox play the Dodgers in their original stadium - the Los Angeles Coliseum. I know it's a pre-season game, but I'm still excited to see my Sox and it'll be interesting to see Joe Torre in something other than pinstripes.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Sox in Japan - Peter

First, WELCOME TO OUR BLOG!! We're two rabid Sox fans located in California who both go to as many Sox games out here as possible, and, when we're really lucky, have been known to show up in Fenway on a trip home (Peter says Boston will always be home, no matter where he lives).
Anyway, enjoy, comment & GO SOX!
Now-Japan. With the time difference, the games began at 3 a.m. California time, so I didn't actually see them live. However, for Opening Day,when I got up Tuesday morning at 5:30 to head for the gym, I was surprised to find out when I turned on the car radio that the game was still on, live via A's radio station. Turned it on just after Moss hit his game tying shot in the 9th. As I drove the six miles to the gym, I arrived in time for the Sox to get up in the 10th and get Lugo and Papi on. Two outs later, they're still there and Manny's got two strikes, and I'm thinking, "Christ! Don't blow this opportunity!" Manny came through and it's 6-4. But, these are the Red Sox we're talking about. Nothing is ever easy. Bottom 10& all of a sudden people are doing things with Papelbon's stuff.But in the end, it was happy.Went into the gym with the Sox ahead and one of my buddies, a long time A's fan laughs and says, "Your Sox are losing 4-3."I quickly corrected him with the latest info and watched his face go blank. A quick, "Bullshit" was countered by pointing him at the TV there and I'm smiling again.I guess the game had its rough moments, but the end was fine. Rather win ugly than not at all.

Game 2: Not much to be said here. It was over before I rolled out of bed.For Valentine's Day, my wife got me a wireless device that sits on the desk in my home office and picks up the scores inning by inning. As soon as I got up I grabbed it and saw the bad news. Not much to say, but Manny's at least looking like last year was just a comparatively bad memory--home run for the Sox' only run in the game. Hope Papi picks up soon. Hanging 0 for 7 doesn't look good, but I'm not really worried. I see Crisp played center instead of Jacoby, which I find interesting as the rumors have him being traded. Out here everyone's guessing it'll be to the A's. Who knows--might happen when they arrive here in California for two games at Oakland Colosseum. Let you know how those games go--can't wait to show up in my new 2007 World Champ tee shirt. One thing's for sure--since 2004, I NEVER hear any more of the Bullshit from Oakland fans about 1918 and the Babe.